Wolf Park Seminars [HOME]

1998 Five Day Wolf Behavior Seminars
Held at Wolf Park

For anyone interested in wolves, wolf-dog hybrids, and dogs

Alyeska muzzle-biting Chetan

The Five Day Seminars are based on behavior research carried out at Wolf Park since 1972. They will consist of lectures, discussions, films, video and slide presentations, extensive observations of wolf behavior and instruction on observing behavior objectively, and hands-on experience with wolves singly and/or in a pack situation. Demonstration of proper handling and training procedures will also be included, IE. leash training, handling for medical treatment, etc. Dog owners will also find this seminar very useful for understanding dogs, decedents of wolves.

Topics to be covered during the seminars are:

  1. Ethological and psychological principles of behavior as they apply to the understanding, raising, training, safe handling, and management of wolves, wolf-dog hybrids and coyotes in captivity;
  2. Prevention and correction of behavior problems -- both animal and human; and,
  3. The role of rank order, prey-killing behavior, and aggressive behavior in wolves and in human-wolf interactions. (Outlines of lectures and activities are available by request, but the schedule of each seminar is subject to change at any time.)

Participants will be able to observe wolf-bison interactions and a livestock guarding dog with her sheep. There will be special instruction in photography which will include: proper exposure under normal and difficult lighting conditions, composition, proper use of lenses, and -- if desired -- instruction on the use of black and white film.

The fee is $375.00 per person which will include a one-year membership to Wolf Park and one dinner. Participants are responsible for all other meals. Accommodations are available at the West Lafayette Holiday Inn (the motel closest to Wolf Park). There are many other motels available in Lafayette. RV's can be accommodated (with electric hook-up only) at the Park for a fee of $8.00 a day. Vans and pick-up trucks without electrical hookup, or primitive camping in your tent is available to a limited number of people for $6.00 a day. Camping at Wolf Park is at your own risk. Sorry, no pets are allowed in the Park.

The Wolf Behavior Seminar registration and lectures begin Sunday at 9:00 am. Participants will join the staff and the wolves in the bison enclosure in the afternoon. Seminar participants are welcome to arrive as early as Friday night to attend Howl Night, and spend Saturday observing the volunteers and staff clean wolf enclosures in the morning, and listening to lectures to the public in the afternoon. Attendance at these would give participants the opportunity to get to know the Park before the seminar begins, and there is no extra charge for this.

For availability information, write or call:

The dates for 1998 Five Day Seminars are:

Special Wolf Park Seminars:

Other Special Wolf Park Seminars:

Please print the form below and mail it with your payment.

------------------------------ (cut here)-------------------------------- WOLF PARK SEMINAR REGISTRATION FORM Name:___________________________________ Phone No. (___)________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip The seminar fee is $375.00 per person. Classes are limited to 20 persons, and we ask for full payment in advance. If cancellation occurs at least two weeks prior to the seminar, all but $50 ($75 if materials were sent out) will be refunded. After that there are no refunds given. Please make checks payable to NAWPF and mail to: WOLF PARK SEMINAR Battle Ground, IN 47920 USA Note: You are responsible for your lodging (hotel/camping) reservations. We will provide a list of available options. Check one: I would like to attend the _____________________________ Seminar One the date of ______________ Number of Participants _____ at _______ each for a total of _______ Check one: ( ) My check in enclosed (Checks must be in US$ and drawn for US bank) ( ) You may charge my ( ) MASTERCARD ( ) VISA CARD Account # _______________________________ Exp. Date _________________ Amount: ______________ Sign here:___________________________________ -----------------------------(cut here)-------------------------------------
Unless otherwise noted, all photographs
⌐ Monty Sloan/Wolf Park
For permission to use or for more information about wolf photographs please write Monty Sloan

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Site managed by TigerwolfImages used with permission of the Artist
Web page ⌐ 1997 Monty Sloan
Last revised: November 11, 1997